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The Black Reparations Movement Fundamental Notes (Pt 2)

Khabyr Hadas

For my sisters and brothers that actually believe that: We, the living descendants of slaves, should not be compensated for the atrocities done to our ancestors, I leave you with two elements of reality and logical perception. (1)-The great, great, great, great, great-grandchildren of the wicked slave owners have inherited all of the benefits, assets, money, and land that was generated from our ancestor’s sacrifices, blood, sweat, tears, and precious lives. Your push and advocacy for reparations will prove our ancestors didn’t work for over (350) years for free! Your demand for reparations is a living and breathing commemoration of the fight for liberation and redemption!

The early Europeans that traveled to America didn’t have tons of gold, silver, and diamonds. As the average Black man and woman goes on with their daily lives, we never ask the question of just how all these multi-billion dollar corporations got started. We never ask the question of the origins of all the billionaires that enjoy life in America. I believe that if we continue to ignore the history of free slave labor for over (3) centuries in this country, we will be cursed by our ancestors!

Uncle Ben’s Rice Company and the state of South Carolina literally revolutionized the South Carolina economy. In 1702, the colony exported over 400,000 pounds of rice, which accounted for more than 60% of all exports within the region. By the year 1750, South Carolina and Georgia exported more than (8) million pounds of rice annually. Commodities, such as rice, sugar, and tobacco, were cultivated, harvested, and grown by the back-breaking free labor of Black people. Household products and services that we use every day can be connected to companies that used slavery to generate wealth. Uncle Ben’s Rice, Union Pacific Railroad, R.J. Reynolds Tabacco, and Morton Salt have grown billion- dollar corporations with subsidiaries that stretch out throughout the entire globe!

(2)- Millions of our ancestors who worked, lived, and died under the brutal force of slavery and white supremacy must live through us and our struggle. Through us, our children, and even our unborn, our ancestors must and will receive what is due through their unpaid, uncompensated labor. WHEN IT COMES TO REPARATIONS, THERE IS NO STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS!

Now, do you honestly believe that our ancestors, who struggled and sacrificed their lives to build this nation, actually don’t want their descendants to be compensated in their physical absence?

Sisters and brothers, never forget that in America, the value of our ancestor’s labor went directly into the pockets and personal bank accounts of white plantation owners, businessmen, bankers, federal reserves, and State treasuries. It is not my intention to alert white-owned corporations that were heavily emersed in the vestiges of chattel slavery because they already know; it is my intention to help make Black people aware of the validity of our reparations demand.


Key excerpts: SPECIAL FIELD ORDER (number 15)- January 15, 1965- by order of the Commander of Military Division-Mississippi/The islands from Charleston South, the abandoned rice fields along the rivers for thirty (30) miles back from the sea, and the country bordering the St. John’s river, Florida are reserved and set apart for the settlement of the Negroes now made FREE by the acts of war and the proclamations of the President of the United States.

II- By the laws of war, and the orders of the President of the United States, the Negro is free and must be dealt with as such. He cannot be subjected to conscription or forced military service, save by written orders of the highest military authority of the department, under such regulations as the President or Congress may prescribe.

III- Whenever three respectable Negroes, head of families, shall desire to settle on land and have selected for that purpose an island or locality clearly defined, within the limits above designated, the inspector of settlement and plantations will himself or by such subordinate officer as he may appoint, give them a license to settle such island or district, and afford them such assistance as he can to enable them to establish a peaceful agricultural settlement.

The (3) parties named will subdivide the land under the supervision of the inspector among themselves and such others as may choose to settle near them so that each family shall have a plot of not more than (40) forty Acres of tillable ground and when it borders on some water channel with not more than (800) feet of waterfront in the possession, of which land the military authorities will afford them protection until such times as they can protect themselves or until Congress shall regulate their title… By order of Major General W. T. Sherman.

Khabyr Hadas is a student of Pan-African Nationalism, author, lecturer, and graduate of Cheyney University. He is a member of UNIA-ACL Thomas W. Harvey Memorial Division #121 and former Minister of Education and District 2 Commissioner. He can be heard every Monday from @8-9pm on the RED, BLACK, and GREEN-Internet Radio show -Utiradio.Airtime.Pro.

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