CHESTER, PA. — The Stormwater Authority of the city of Chester (SAC) is pleased to announce the relocation of Chester that will of Chester thousands of dollars on fire vehicle maintenance repairs.
PA. The Stormwater Chester (SAC) is pleased to announce the relocation and installationof a new catch basin in front of Chester Fire Headquartersthat will save the city of Chester thousands on fire vehicle maintenance repairs.
Thanks to SAC’s Catch Basin Retrofit Program, crews were able to fix an old, defunct catch basin located at the to 14th Street. The Catch Basin is strategic initiative
SAC’s Catch Basin Retrofit Program, crews an old, defunct catch entryway to the fire station on 14th Street. The Catch Basin Retrofit Program is a strategic initiative designed to help SAC identify catch basins throughout the city of Chester need maintenance or complete restoration. a few conversations officials Commissioner Rigby about their concerns,” said Dr. Horace
Rigby about their concerns,” said Dr. Horace Strand, Executive Director for the Stormwater Authority ofthe city of Chester. Due to road damage, the old catch basin became partially
the city of Chester. road damage, old catch basin became partially collapsed, creating a safety hazard for city vehicles and local traffic traveling along the high-traffic roadway. “It’s creating a city vehicles and traveling high- relocated was causing to the fire trucks responding to calls,” said Commissioner Rigby. “Our trucks were taking a lot of abuse and had to be repaired much more frequently because we are in and out of the station all day.”
Through proper planning and project development, SAC there was section of the roadway. Crews were able to install a new catch basin safe grate feet to the entryway station and connect to the existing drainage system to help control flooding. A slab top and asphalt covering the catch basin was located
important that this catch basin was relocated because of the wear and tear it was causing to the fire trucks responding Commissioner Rigby. Our taking of abuse be repaired frequently because we are in and out of the station all day.” project development, discovered there was no flood solution for this section of new catch basin and bicycle-safe grate 50-feet to the right of the entryway of the station and connect it to the existing drainage system control slab top and asphalt covering were installed where the old, damaged catch basin was located to provide a smooth surface for the fire trucks.
Annually the city of Chester allocates money for city vehicle maintenance repairs in its budget. In 2021, the city allocated $75,000 to the Bureau of Fire for vehicle maintenance. “We anticipate that the city will save thousands of dollars on vehicle maintenance because this catch basin
to provide a smooth surface for the fire trucks. the money for city vehicle repairs in budget. In $75,000 to the of maintenance. We will save thousands of on vehicle maintenance because this catch basin a newly-
of catch basins is our and stormwater,” Strand. “As we move through the different building a stronger stormwater infrastructure, and help to create a stronger, safer community.”
was fixed,” said Councilman William Morgan, Director of Finance for the city of Chester. “We saved money on street repairs in this area and future vehicle repairs. We are grateful for the partnership we have with the Stormwater Authority.”
As a newly-created municipal authority, SAC was established by the Chester City government to plan, finance, build, operate and maintain capital in green Stormwater infrastructure within the city of Chester. SAC is committed to community engagement to increase awareness centered around stormwater education and public health.
To date, SAC has repaired/restored 90 percent of the 1,700 catch basins located throughout the city.
“Proper maintenance of catch basins is crucial to our drainage system and helping the proper flow of stormwater,” said Dr. Strand. “As we move through the different stages of building a stronger stormwater infrastructure, we are confident that residual impacts will continue to save the city money and help to create a stronger, safer community.”
About Stormwater Authority of the city of Chester
of Chester (SAC) was established in 2017 by the city of Chester to plan, finance, build, operate and maintain capital in green Stormwater infrastructure within the city of Chester. SAC committed creating a long-term 30- operation maintenance program that will; revitalize the community and create a low barrier to entry-level jobs and economic impact opportunities; provide public education and outreach opportunities around water quality and more sustainable development and preservation; increase property values and promote developmentopportunities in key community corridors through the repair, rehab, and retrofit of existing outdated infrastructure; and create value through collaboration and crosstalk amongst public and private sector entities that result in aligned goals and interest to benefit the city of Chester. For more information visit,
Stormwater Authority of the city of Chester The Stormwater Authorityof the city of Chester (SAC) in 2017 by the city to finance, maintain green within the city is committed to creating a long-term 30-year operation and program that revitalize the community low barrier to entry-level jobs and economic provide public education and outreach around water quality and sustainable development and preservation; increase property in key community the retrofit of and value through and amongst public and sector aligned interest benefit of Chester. For more information visit,

Stormwater Authority of the city of Chester Board Members (SAC) pose for a picture with Fire Commissioner WIlliam Rigby IV and fire department personnel to highlight the completion of a SAC project at Fire Headquarters.
that need maintenance or complete restoration.
“We had a few conversations with city officials and Fire SAC established the Chester City government plan, finance, infrastructure within of Chester. is committed community engagement increase awareness centered fixed,” said Councilman William Morgan, Director of Chester. saved money street We grateful the partnership Stormwater Authority.”
stormwater education and public health. date, SAC has repaired/ 90 basins located throughout the city.