Keystone State ChalleNGe Academy graduates second class
ANNVILLE, PA, June 17, 2023 – 19 cadets from the Keystone State ChalleNGe Academy (KSCA) graduated from the 22-week residential phase of the program on their way to a brighter future.
The KSCA is designed to give challenged teens a second chance at obtaining their basic education and the opportunity to learn leadership, self-discipline, and responsibility while working toward finishing their education and building a better life. The cadets participated in numerous community service events throughout the program, including volunteering at food banks, assisting at an event benefitting homeless veterans, stocking trout in lakes, and cleaning up cemetery, park, and military ceremony grounds.
The cadets will now complete a one-year mentorship phase of the program throughout various communities while they continue their education, join the workforce, or enter the military.
“Today we celebrate the accomplishments of 19 cadets from the Keystone State ChalleNGe Academy, who 22 weeks ago, had an unclear future. Today they are ready to tackle life challenges with a new outlook,” said Maj. Gen. Mark Schindler, Pennsylvania’s adjutant general and head of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA). “This graduation is not the end of their journey; it’s the beginning of a new journey built on resilience and success. Congratulations to all the cadets for working hard and reaching the pinnacle of the academy program. You have every reason to stand proud.”
The opening of the academy at Fort Indiantown Gap (FTIG) in Lebanon County in July 2022 formally established the National Guard Bureau’s Youth ChalleNGe Program in Pennsylvania.
The program is open to 16- to 18-year-old Pennsylvania residents who are failing to progress in high school or may not be on a clear path to graduating. Applicants must be willing to be drug-free, free of felony convictions, and voluntarily commit to the program. The program lasts for 17 months, with the first five months consisting of residential training at FTIG followed by one year of mentorship back in their home communities.
The KSCA is a joint effort between the DMVA and the National Guard Bureau in consultation with the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE). The KSCA is now accepting applications for its next class, slated to begin in July.
For detailed eligibility requirements and to begin the application process, visit our Eligibility and Admissions webpage. If you prefer to have an application mailed to you or would like to talk with someone about this program, please contact the academy by emailing RA-MVPACHALLENGE@, or by calling 717-861-7767 or 717-861-8831.
Members and staff of the Keystone State Challenge Academy, Class 23-1. Graduates include: Matthew Arceo-Maddy, Logan Black, Christopher Blanchard, Jordan Care, Curtis Downes, Floyd Sinceyre, Scott Gabner, Leonardo Gonzalez, Gary Hall, Riley Lilley, Carlito Martin, Elijah Moore, Isaac Padua, Victor Pridham, Asher Robbins, William Shaffer, Landis Smith, Emily Swarr, Jayden Vining.