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What we need to know about Transhumanism

Junious Ricardo Stanton

“Transhumanism is a materialist inversion of spiritual aspirations, which promises to create a heaven on earth in exchange for merging our souls with machines. Transhumanism has morphed from a fringe philosophy into the spirit of our age. As defined by its hero, Max More, the transhumanism movement represents the ‘continuation and acceleration of the evolution of intelligent life beyond its currently human form and human limitations by means of science and technology.’” Transhumanism Dancing With The Digital Devil with-the-digital-devil/

For some time now, I have been warning you about a demonic agenda being promoted and pushed by those I call plutocratic overlords who are attempting to usurp and transform the natural order into a dystopian global Neo-feudalistic hellscape placing themselves as the self-imposed unaccountable rulers of the world. The World Economic Forum, Davos crowd is one part of this cabal. The fact of the matter is they are not working in secret. They are quite open and bold about their plans for humanity and the natural order. On the surface, their verbiage sounds noble and beneficial; but in reality--they are playing God. The people espousing this agenda call themselves transhumanists and extropians. Extropy is the root word for extropian philosophy. Here is what they say they are about, “Extropianism is a transhumanist philosophy. The Extropian Principles define a specific version or ‘brand’ of transhumanist thinking. Like humanists, transhumanists favor reason, progress, and values centered on our well-being rather than on an external religious authority. Transhumanists take humanism further by challenging human limits by means of science and technology combined with critical and creative thinking. We challenge the inevitability of aging and death, and we seek continuing enhancements to our intellectual abilities, our physical capacities, and our emotional development. We see humanity as a transitory stage in the evolutionary development of intelligence. We advocate using science to accelerate our move from human to a transhuman or posthuman condition.”

The Extropian Principles

Essentially they are saying they want to bypass THE CREATOR and challenge (expand/transform) human limits using advanced technology. Their goal is to do away with aging and death and enhance human capabilities to the point we evolve into a “posthuman condition.” What is the posthuman condition? Let’s look at the word 'post' in the word posthuman is a prefix it means: after, subsequent, later,prefix,%3A%20behind%20%3A%20posterior%20%3 A%20following%20after

Examples using this prefix include postpartum, postgraduate, postgame, and postseason. The word human means: belonging to man or mankind, pertaining to the race of man, having the qualities of a man an#:~:text=1.,the%20qualities%20of%20a%20man.

See “Transhumanism” next page

Human female head with halo or aureola made of particles, starry sky on the background. Concept of Church of Artificial Intelligence, Futuristic religion and transhumanism.

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